The meal plan is a combination of goods and services that Dining Services provides for students.
董事会年费:7,010美元.00(学年2023秋季/ 2024春季)每学期3,505美元.
Amount placed on students' accounts each semester depends on the meal plan they choose.
可以在学生食堂使用吗 & Piasa Pub
Receives 33% discount in Student Dining on non-packaged, eligible items
Can be used in 大学店 and can supplement 膳食计划帐户 in Student Dining and Piasa Pub (used in Student Dining and Piasa Pub after 膳食计划帐户 exhausted)
Receives 33% discount in Student Dining on non-packaged, eligible items
默认的计划是 Panther 所有寄宿学生的膳食计划.
1057点 (957 points on the 膳食计划帐户 and 100 points on the +帐户) per semester, which is sufficient for some students' food expenses in Student Dining for one semester. Some students need more points than this allotment and there are multiple ways to increase the points on the meal plan before each semester and then during the semester. There are three larger accounts available at an additional cost and one smaller plan which costs less. The difference of costs for the various plans is the difference in the points provided from the Panther 计划(默认计划).)
If you are an enrolled student, you are required to sign up for a meal plan. All new students for their first semester are automatically enrolled in the Panther plan. There is an option during New Student Orientation (NSO) to increase the 膳食计划帐户 and +帐户. New students are not eligible to buy into the lesser meal plan until after their first semester.
所有未使用的分数从秋季学期转到春季学期. Remaining points at the end of spring semester do not roll over and are not refundable. 膳食计划上的积分是用来使用的. 未使用的积分没有剩余现金价值.
Students may add to their meal plan account at any time through Principia Marketplace. 大学生活动(原则.edu)
鹿(757分) is the minimal required meal plan for all students living on campus. It provides fewer points, a lower price, and the same access to all Dining Services locations. The Deer plan will provide approximately 8 - 10 meals per week. 标准膳宿费有300美元的折扣. Students are eligible to enroll in this plan after their first full semester.
黑豹(1057分) 这是标准的膳食计划吗. 黑豹计划对很多学生来说已经足够了. 黑豹计划每周提供大约12 - 14顿饭.
山猫(1557分) meal plan is designed for students who eat more regularly on campus and snack occasionally. The Bobcat plan will provide approximately 17 – 19 meals per week. 每学期有500美元的附加费.
土狼(1857分) meal plan is intended for the dining needs of students who eat all their meals on campus and snack more frequently and/or purchase higher priced packaged items. The Coyote plan will provide approximately 19 – 21 meals a week. 每学期有800美元的附加费.
老鹰(2057分) offers students the greatest meal point value and allows them to maximize their use of the student Dining experience. This plan is also an excellent choice for student-athletes interested in a high calorie diet. The Eagle plan provides approximately 19 - 21 hearty meals a week. 每学期有1000美元的附加费.
十大网络彩票平台大全每年的住宿费是7010美元.00. A portion of this amount is used to cover the overhead of Student Dining operations and provides the services covered by the meal plan. The balance is placed on the meal card (referred to as a PrinCard). The PrinCard accesses two accounts, the 膳食计划帐户 and +帐户. 餐费计划与按单定价的差额在下降.
The 膳食计划帐户 可在学生餐厅或Piasa酒吧使用. 它以757分的余额开始秋季学期, 1,057点, 1,557点, 1,857分或2057分, 这取决于你选择的饮食计划. 再加757分, 1,057点, 1,557点, 1,857分或2057分 is added for spring semester as well. 未使用的积分从秋季学期转到春季学期. Remaining points at the end of spring semester do not roll over and are not refundable. 在膳食计划中, 未使用的积分没有剩余现金价值.
The meal plan Budgeting Guide provides a list of daily point balances for the 膳食计划帐户 for the entire semester if the same amount is spent each day to utilize the entire allotment. This is meant only as a guide to help students track their usage.
如果学生卡上的积分用完了, 餐食可以通过现金购买, 信用卡, 借记卡, 或Plus帐户. The advantage of using the +帐户 is a 33% student discount on the cash price on all non-packaged items in Student Dining for all students on the meal plan. All forms of payment other than the 膳食计划帐户 are taxed. 所有使用Plus帐户进行的购买都要纳税.
The +帐户 can be used in the 大学店, Piasa Pub, or Student Dining. For all new students, 100 points are placed on the +帐户 at the beginning of fall semester. 分数从秋季学期滚动到春季学期. 在春季学期的开始, 100分将自动记入Plus账户, unless the student chose to increase the +帐户 level to 200 points, 300 points, 或者在饮食计划注册过程中获得400分. The Plus account is also available to be used during school breaks through June 30th, unlike the meal plan account which is available while school is in session.
Additional points can also be added to the +帐户 as needed during the semester with a service charge of 3%. Points remaining at the end of spring semester that were not part of the original +帐户 balance selected before each semester will first be credited to any outstanding PrinBill charges. Then any remaining balance will be refunded via direct deposit.
The opportunity to select the Meal Plan and +帐户 balance for each semester occurs as follows:
- Fall semester: meal plan sign-up process occurs at the end of spring semester, right before finals
- Spring semester: meal plan sign-ups occur in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break.
The Quick Comparison of Account Features is available to compare the Meal Plan and +帐户s.
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